Carpe Diem EDC Products

Carpe Diem EDC (CDE) started with a single coin, but that single coin soon became a mission.

A mission to empower your customers to be the best versions of themselves they can be.
CDE products are designed to remind us that time is passing and death is waiting, so make life incredible today.

Some carry Carpe Diem EDC coins for good luck, others for confidence.

But they all have one thing in common:
They feel better when they have CDE - products in their pocket or in their hand.

If you are a little anxious, the coin can help you ground yourself.
Are you a little more fidgety than the average person, a Worry Stone is a great way to distract your hands.
At the end of the day, we all strive to be our best selves, and Carpe Diem EDC wants to help you realize your potential.